Sitemap for project orgfiles
- Arm Scmi Archicture
- Atomic operation in aarch64
- Index
- My Blogs based on org mode
- Makefile
- AARCH64 native problem debug.
- Debug Uboot with gdb
- Cheate MAC address
- Macos setup
- Pinch to zoom in Linux
- SSHFS behind NAT
- Termial tips
- Use Github Action to Sync blogs
- Send Patchs with email
- PVE Host
- udev rules
- ASM language tips
- BareMetal environment
- Generate Aligned Access Code
- setjmp/longjmp in C
- variable-argument-lists in AARCH64
- Linux Kernel Source Auto Complete
- Linux Signal Handle
- Debug linux kernel boot process
- Linux Clock Framework
- Kprobe in linux with aarch64
- Linux Debug object
- ARM64 Page type
- DMA buffer in linux
- irq wakeup in linux
- Linux scheduled features
- Bad migration disable in rt after change ksoftirqd priority
- SuDump: Exploiting suid binaries through the kernel笔记
- 利用nfs norootsquash获取root权限
- Linux lockdep
- QEMU virtio-9p-device assert failed
- qemu使用踩坑
- Boot process for optee
- OPTEE Baisc usage
- OPTEE persistent-object
- OPTEE std call process
- Use org-caldav to sync calendars